What Other People Have Been Saying:

What Other People Have Been Saying:

Maria B. Zondervan CEO Blue Vikings Capital

"Have had some experience with capital raising.Now raised over $1M on 3 deals as FoF on our vetted deals."

Nathan Ho, Entrepreneur/Investor Autonomy Investment Group

"Didn’t have any capital raising experience prior to joining.Now raised over $10M as CoGP."

Dr. Josh Cochran

"Had no experience in raising capital.Now raised over $800K first two months as FoF."

mai Duong, CPA

"New to capital raising.Raised over $300K in a month as CoGP on our vetted deal."

Simon Nguyen

"Have had some experience with capital raising. Raised over $1.8M as FoF since joining."

JC Hearn

"Didn’t have any capital raising experience.Now raised $650K as a FoF."

Lupei Chou & Partners

"Have had experience and looking to scale. Raised over $1M in 3 weeks on our vetted deal."

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